What Do Bake Sales and Plastic Have in Common?

4ocean Bracelets - Ocean Cleanup Bracelets

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If you guessed a group of incredibly dedicated and eco-aware 5th graders from Princeton Day School in New Jersey, you'd be correct! 

The students discovered 4ocean on the internet and began to research exactly what it is we do. When they realized that our core mission is cleaning the ocean and coastlines, they decided to do a presentation on ocean plastic pollution for their class to help raise awareness about the crisis and the 4ocean Clean Ocean Movement.

Putting together a slide show and developing the script all on their own, they initially presented to their class — then the entire 5th grade. When the teachers saw what a great example they had set and what a fantastic job they had done in explaining the problem and what 4ocean is doing about it, they invited them to give their presentation to the entire 3rd grade. Now, the students have been invited to share the presentation with the whole Middle School and then the entire Upper School during the month of May! How cool is that?! They're basically presenting to the whole school now.

As part of what they are calling the "Great Plastic Challenge," students can bring in #5 polypropylene plastics to be properly recycled and can "earn" their own 4ocean bracelet. In addition, they have set up a special "ocean themed" bake sale to raise money for more bracelets and the school bookstore now carries 4ocean bracelets, which have evidently proven very popular.

Why is this important? Well, it means that our message is getting out there, people are listening and taking action — even the youngest among us. Think about it: these kids are teaching other kids about the importance of a clean ocean and are helping their classmates to learn that the things they do, even as kids, can make a difference. This really is what it is all about, the message going viral in a very personal way. Communication about the issue between people is what we have been striving to achieve all along and it's happening. When people pick up the torch and just run with it, that is one of the biggest compliments we can receive as a company.

It's the children that are really going to be faced with the full brunt of this problem; that's why educating the younger generation now is so important to us. They will play an enormous role in helping us solve this crisis. Who knows, these kids may be the ones to come up with the next big idea to combat ocean plastic. Helping to start that thought process now is a big part of what we strive to do. 

To all the students who participated in this project, we are so proud of you! Keep making waves!


Students from Princeton Day School Develop Ocean Plastic Presentation


If you know about a group of kids who are making a difference for the ocean, let us know. Post their story and some pictures in the comments section below and maybe they'll be featured in our next blog.

Make sure to follow us on YouTubeFacebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay up to date on all things 4ocean! Also, head on over to our Discover 4ocean Facebook Group to get in on the conversation around ocean plastic pollution and other important ocean conservation topics.


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