4ocean Getting Social Around the World

4ocean Bali 4ocean Haiti 4ocean Florida

4ocean Team |


Introducing 4ocean Bali, 4ocean Haiti, and 4ocean Florida Instagram channels!

As many of you know, we have been expanding our cleanup facilities and operations internationally over the last year or so and will continue this expansion in 2019 and beyond. It certainly hasn't been without its challenges, but the dedicated 4ocean employees in our overseas operations have stepped up to the plate and exceeded our wildest expectations every step of the way! Whether it's Andi, the Director of Operations for 4ocean Bali; Edouard, our Director of Operations at 4ocean Haiti; Jackie, the Director of International Operations in the States, or any of the other dedicated 4ocean Team members here and abroad, it is our mission to clean the ocean and coastlines around the world!  

We have heard from many of you that you're super interested in what is going on in these locations and we're listening. You want to know about how the cleanup efforts are growing, how jobs and new economies are being created, as well as how we are changing perceptions and lives by educating and raising awareness in local communities. The reality is that sometimes there is just so much going on that it's hard to cover all of it on our regular 4ocean social media channels.

So in response to your feedback, we've created unique 4ocean Instagram channels for our cleanup operations both here in the States and internationally to keep you up to date on all the incredible things going on with our 4ocean Cleanup Teams globally!

We are happy to introduce 4ocean Bali, 4ocean Haiti, and 4ocean Florida Instagram channels for Cleanup Operations! We can't wait to begin sharing more information on a regular basis about these operations, the amazing teams, all of the upgrades we are doing in these locations as well as some local stories that just make you feel good about what we are doing there. Make sure to add each one of them and stay tuned for more updates.

If you aren't already a part of 4ocean's main social media channels, make sure to follow us on YouTubeFacebook, Instagram, and Twitter to stay up to date on all things 4ocean! Also, head on over to our Discover 4ocean Facebook Group to get in on the conversation around ocean plastic pollution and other important ocean conservation topics. 


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