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Wavemakers, defined.

Wavemaker (noun): A person (or group of people) connected to the ocean who create a positive difference in their community or inspire people to change the world.

We're an eclectic group of surfers, artists, divers, educators, community leaders, and vagabond travelers committed to saving the ocean for future generations.

We've built a fantastic community to support our craziest ideas, and we're looking for like-minded adventurers to join the mission!

As a 4ocean Wavemaker, you'll complete challenges, earn commission on product sales, be on the front lines of our cleanup operations, and join a community as vibrant as a cuttlefish.

Wavemaker Application Form

Requirements: Must be 18+, public social profile, and no graphic content. If you do not have an IG profile, please reach out to to get manual approval.