I didn’t believe it either…
🖊 Alex Schulze, 4ocean Co-Founder
⏱ 3 min read
I had to re-read that a few times, too. “The Trees are Full of Trash.” Surely our cleanup team was just playing around, right?
I clicked into the link they sent and couldn’t believe my eyes.
The trees were FULL of TRASH.
I had just spent all day down in Key Largo, Florida, removing ghost nets with our cleanup team. It was hot, backbreaking work, but there’s something extra special about cleaning your community.
I knew I shouldn’t have checked my email after hours, but I hadn’t heard from the Indonesia team in two days and was eager to get an update.
Turns out, a massive flood swept through Java, where we have a cleanup base. That flood moved trash all around the country. And a lot of it ended up in the trees.

We’re 4ocean. We clean the ocean every single day. But now our community is facing a new problem. The trash is choking out the vegetation and threatening land animals.
There’s no time to strategize. Our team is doing what we do best. We’re rolling up our sleeves and getting to work. No matter how bad things get, we always get after it with a smile.
This weekend is President’s Day in the US, and like many companies, we’re having a sale. We do these sales for one reason only. To build support for our ocean cleanup teams worldwide working seven days a week to clean their communities.
As you get bombarded with sales emails this weekend, I wanted to send you the emails we get every single day from our cleanup teams. These emails show us the incredible impact you make by supporting our mission.

If you’d like to support our teams by rocking a 4ocean bracelet, click here.
If you’d rather directly fund our cleanups without buying a product, click here.